In this post, I’ll share 12 must-have libraries that every front-end developer should know about. These tools will enhance your workflow, increase productivity, and help you create amazing user experiences.
Let’s jump right into it!🚀
AOS (Animate on Scroll)
AOS is a lightweight and highly customizable library to add eye-catching animations as you scroll through your web pages.

Enhance your data visualization with stunning, responsive charts.
Chart.js makes it easy to create various chart types, including line, bar, radar, and doughnut charts, all with minimal configuration.

SweetAlert2 provides responsive, fully customizable alert boxes that seamlessly integrate into your projects.

Effortlessly enable drag-and-drop sorting for lists with SortableJS. Its flexibility makes it ideal for building interactive UIs such as Kanban boards.

Floating UI
Effortlessly manage complex UI components such as tooltips, dropdowns, and popovers with Floating UI.

FullCalendar offers an intuitive, full-featured calendar interface with customizable event management, drag-and-drop, and timeline views.

You can quickly add pre-designed animations to your web elements with Animate.css.

Lottie by Airbnb
It’s useful for integrating high-quality animations into your web apps.

A lightweight, extensible library for creating beautiful, highly customizable tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and more.

Day.js is a simple and fast library, great for projects that need to handle dates without using too much space or slowing things down.

Swiper is a free and powerful tool used to make touch sliders and carousels. It gives smooth transitions and works well on different screen sizes, making it perfect for mobile-friendly projects.

Create stunning, animated SVG drawings with Vivus. This lightweight JavaScript library lets you animate SVGs by simulating the drawing process, adding a unique touch to your graphics.

That’s all for today.
I hope it was helpful.
Thanks for reading.
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Keep Coding!!